Sunday, March 4, 2012

Is all the DLC for Dragon Age II worth the money?

I'm playing through Dragon Age II and I'm near the end of the game. I have immensely enjoyed the game and am considering shelling out some money for some of the DLC (not the item packs, just expansions). Are the expansion DLCs worth the money? And if so, which ones are the best?Is all the DLC for Dragon Age II worth the money?
My god, did you actually enjoy DA2? It is a horrible game as compared to DA1. In fact, DA2 is so bad in my opinion I wouldn't recommend anyone to buy the game not to mention DLC packs. If I were you, I would invest a bit of money in DA1 and see how much better that game is. So no, don't shell out money on DA2 DLC content. Also the DLC content aren't all the great. My friend's son bought one and hated it.Is all the DLC for Dragon Age II worth the money?
The Black Emporium comes with some really great items, respec potions, a mirror that lets you redesign your character's appearance, and a dog. There is actually quite a bit of content for the dog, it feels as interactive as the one in Origins. The Exiled Prince adds a new companion and his personal quests. He fits in to the story very well and his dialogue with the Grand Cleric helps flesh out her character more. He also is a powerful archer and unlike Varric you can swap out his weapons.

I got both of these free with my preorder. But, if I hadn't I probably would have at least bought the Exiled Prince. I think he's worth the money. I have also heard that his character will be important in later installments of the game. The Black Emporium you could stand to wait on, the best part about it is the dog.

Also to play the DLC fully you will have to start a new game. It's not like Origins where you can go back after the end and finish up DLC quests.
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